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CSA Offers Old Exams For Studying


Happy New Years Everybody! I hope everyone had a nice winter break to relax and regain energy after a draining fall semester. A New Year is a great time to start off with great resolutions especially for us students. Whether or not last semester went as well as planned, the beginning of the new semester is a great time to set goals in place to make it great!

Everywhere on campus there are lots of resources to help and support students with their studies. However, the CSA offers a great resource of past CHEM exams! The CSA provides past exams from CHEM courses ranging from 1XX to 3XX. These can be very helpful especially due to midterms being just around the corner! Come and utilize this handy resource for extra practice needed during exam time! Just stop by during our office hours, knock on the door (sometimes we are there randomly), or email us to book an appointment and we will gladly help out our fellow chemistry students!

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