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What does the Uni life for international students look like?

What does the Uni life for international students look like?

This question has been asked thousands of times, such as when we get that email informing the admission to UofA, or when we are in the flight to Canada. To be honest, this topic varies from person to person. However, in this blog, I will list a few things that can give you a basic idea of what Uni Life of international students looks like.

Academic life

Depending on what major you are enrolled in, the coursework can be different. For example, you are required to take 6 classes per term to finish the degree in 4 years in Engineering, yet only 5 classes per term in Science. You can also take the maximum of two classes in Spring and/or Summer term. The level of difficulty also varies from major to major. Thus, the best advice is that you need to do a small research about what you have to do in your major before applying, and also prepare yourself for what will happen.

Extracurricular activities

University is not only study and study. As a student at UofA, we also participate in a large

number of volunteering activities. The school offers different kinds of opportunities where you

can meet more friends, de-stress and compete with each other. For instance, the ISS holds the annual intramural soccer league in the winter term, or the Chemistry Students’ Association has Nitrogen Ice-cream day, and Meet the Prof Night for students during midterm and final seasons. These activities are the best opportunities for you to make your Uni life more interesting and entertaining.

Part-time job

Additionally, you can always find many part-time jobs inside and outside of University to earn

more money and experience. A few good examples are waiter/waitress in some restaurants, sale assistance in any clothing shops or helping your professors doing research.

Those listed above are a few things you can do in University. Good luck on your new journey! :)


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