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6 Reasons To Attend Meet The Profs Night


The University of Alberta's Department of Chemistry has a host of amazing faculty members all with different & exciting backgrounds. You cannot make the most of your experience at the U of A without engaging with the faculty. Outside of lecture, professors can help identify your interests and present a larger context on both your education and your goals. If you are interested in research at all, your initial objective should be to identify the faculty members on campus who are working in an area that is of interest to you.

With this years meet the prof night quickly approaching I think that it is a good time to go over why it is a good idea for you to attend.

#1. Build professional relationships

It provides a great opportunity for you to introduce yourself to a professor and get on a first name basis (Pro tip: Always address instructors as professor until they invite you to do otherwise). This is important if you want to get a glowing & personal reference letter.

#2. Learn about their field

Attending is a prime time to talk to a professor about their field. This can help you identify your interests and create a road map for graduate school!

#3. Get a Job

You can inquire if there is any research positions available in their lab!

#4. Learn more about your degree

Not only do professors attend but so do graduate students. Graduate students can help you identify what to expect with the rest of your undergrad degree as well as recommend the best courses & professors to take.

#5. Increase your confidence

Networking can be intimidating but attending meet the prof night allows you to practice your communication skills in a more relaxed environment. This in turn will increase your confidence for the future!

#6. Free food & drinks

Need I say more?

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